
Join LEDS GP at COP 22: Advancing country leadership on NDC action

Join LEDS GP for this COP22 side event on advancing climate resilient low emission development and NDC implementation through multi-platform exchanges.

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From planning to action: governance for climate compatible development in Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) cities – An event in association with Habitat 3

Join Scott Muller of the LEDS GP's Subnational Integration Working Group and others for an interactive discussion "From planning to action: governance for climate compatible…

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Energy webinar: Addressing challenges in clean energy investment

Join the Clean Energy Solutions Center, in partnership with U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), for a webinar on DOE's Clean Energy Investment Center.

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Energy webinar: Scaling up energy access in sub-Saharan Africa

This webinar kicks off a new UN webinar series on the state of energy access in different parts of the world, starting with countries in…

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Development Impact Assessment webinar: Catalyzing climate action in Zambia

The webinar will provide an overview of the Development Impact Assessment framework used to assess impacts of a set of electrification projects in Zambia.

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Investment planning toward low emissions development

Join the World Bank for an online course on designing and financing programs for low emissions development that go beyond a project-by-project approach.

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