Peer Learning Summit | Addressing climate change through integrated responses: Linking adaptation and mitigation

Location: virtual
Partners: nap-gn

Three x 2 hour events comprising a mix of short expert inputs, break out groups and panel discussions

May 4, 2021: 9am – 11am EST | May 18, 2021: 9am – 11am EST | May 27, 2021: 9am – 11am EST (tbc)

The NAP Global Network and the LEDS GP, with support from the GIZ SPA project, will partner to jointly organize a Peer Learning Summit to facilitate a robust set of peer-to-peer learning and capacity development activities to support countries on applying integrated approaches for the adaptation, mitigation and development agendas that also address the recovery from the COVID-19 crisis we are facing

Please click here to register.

This virtual peer learning summit will provide a platform for government representatives to share perspectives, experiences and lessons learned on integrated climate strategies that simultaneously take into consideration both low-carbon development while also adapting to growing climate risks. Through a facilitated exchange, participants will have the opportunity to hear from experts on designing and implementing integrated strategies, to learn from one another, and to reflect on their own processes. This will enable the identification of concrete next steps they can take to ensure that mitigation and adaptation planning processes are aligned and build on one another.

The PLS will bring together representatives from a number of countries that have undertaken first steps towards integrated planning approaches. Two representatives will be invited from each country, focusing on participants that are actively engaged in their country’s adaptation and mitigation processes. We will endeavour to have gender balance in the participants, recognizing that they will be selected based on their position so this may not be possible. The participants will meet three times over the course of three weeks, for 90 minutes each time. They will be asked to complete small tasks before and in between the sessions.



  • Raise participants’ awareness and knowledge on the synergies and trade-offs of integrated adaptation, mitigation and sustainable development actions and how they may be addressed in planning processes.
  • Facilitate exchange of experiences on designing and implementing integrated climate-resilient pathways, identify common challenges and lessons learned as well as potential tools for application.
  • Co-create next steps that can be taken to strengthen strategies, planning processes and advance implementation of integrated climate strategies.

The learning generated through the event will inform the development of a short joint policy brief on strengthening the linkages of mitigation and adaptation at the policy and implementation level in the second half of 2021.


Target audience

The primary target audience for this event includes international experts and practitioners, country representatives and others focussed on aspects of linking mitigation and adaptation efforts.

Please click here to register.