Case Study
Developing an NDC Capital Raising Strategy for Peru
Working with key national public and private actors in Peru to develop a capital raising strategy, supporting the achievement of Peru’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).
To support the scale-up in capital needed to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement, more granular information is needed on national investment opportunities and the role of public and private investors. The private sector, in particular, has a critical role to play to mobilise the necessary investments.
This project aimed to increase national capacity and mobilisation of private climate investment by developing a Private Capital Raising Strategy (CRS) for Peru. This would scale private climate-related investments and support the implementation of Peru’s NDC.
This project:
- Developed the bespoke CRS through co-development with key national stakeholders to identify capital needs and sources to meet Peru’s NDC goals, and approaches to increase the flow of capital
- Supported the uptake and use of the CRS through capacity building training and expert support through engagement with public and private actors in Peru’s financial sector