Mitigation Partnership/UNDP webinar: Embedding mitigation activities into national strategies

Location: GoToWebinar
Partners: international-partnership-on-mitigation-and-mrv, undp

This webinar is being held by the International Partnership on Mitigation and MRV and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)’s Low Emission Capacity Building Programme, members of LEDS GP.

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In this webinar, we will discuss the role and importance of linking mitigation activities to national strategies and embedding them into national frameworks of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), low emission development strategies (LEDS), Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) and Measuring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) systems. Why is it important? Linking mitigation actions to national development plans ensures alignment with existing social and development goals and allows for broader promotion of the sustainable development benefits that are often associated with mitigation activities. In some cases, the national development plan can provide a much needed legal framework to easily carry out and monitor the mitigation action. Join us to learn more!

In this one hour webinar we will hear two exemplary cases from Costa Rica and Burkina Faso (tbc).

Further information

The Global Good Practice Analysis documents 40 examples of mitigation-related good practice worldwide. It demonstrates how INDCs, LEDS, NAMAs and MRV systems are being effectively designed and provides lessons learned, as well as rich insights from countries on successes and lessons learned that can be disseminated internationally to support increased mitigation ambition.

This is a webinar series which will present our main findings and lessons learned from the global good practice cases. Country representatives will provide practice-based insights into effective approaches to achieving mitigation at the country level and showcase lessons learnt from selected cases.

Register here and visit the Global Good Practice Analysis webinar series page to view past webinars in the series and to learn about future offerings.


Image credit: Bob Ramsak