COP21 event: Africa LEDS Modelling and Planning – supporting transitions to inclusive low-carbon development

Speakers: TBC
Location: Room A of the Africa Pavilion, Le Bourget

Venue: Room A of the Africa Pavilion

Date/Time:  Wednesday 9th December at 10:00 – 11:30

The recent publication of the Africa Progress Panel’s 2015 Report has again highlighted that Africa has a huge development deficit. As the region attempts to reduce this deficit, undergoing a huge transformation in its socio-economic makeup, infrastructure, and more, various options arise as to how to transition to low carbon development pathways. Policy choices around energy provision, urbanization, water management, food security and others will have fundamental impacts not just on the emissions profile of Africa, but also on the development deficit, and the pathways through which it is narrowed.

In order for governments and civil society to be able to accurately assess the ramifications of such choices, and direct limited resources towards inclusive low carbon development, they must have access to the latest cutting-edge economy-wide models and knowledge, which must themselves be rooted in national and regional policy processes, and owned by governments.

The Africa LEDS Platform (AfLP), as a key convener of low carbon stakeholders from civil society and beyond, is involved in a number of initiatives aiming to provide governments with the tools and information they need to be able to make these decisions, and is pleased to bring together a number of these for a topical and interesting discussion at COP-21. This event will focus on two particular modelling projects; a collaboration between the Africa LEDS Platform, the United Nations Environment Programme, the European Commission and the Mitigation Action Plans and Scenarios (MAPS) program, with expert speakers and extensive audience participation expected to lead to a stimulating discussion around the future of Africa’s development.

Chair: Ron Benioff (Director, LEDS Global Partnership)


  • Stephen King’uyu (AfLP Steering Committee)
  • Edward Awafo (AfLP Secretariat)
  • Marta Torres (MAPS Africa)
  • Trinto Mugangu (DRC)